Sunday, February 4, 2007

Getting back my inspiration.

When I lived in England I always had some sewing or knitting on the "go"! In the final stages it was great to rush home after work, knowing I had something positive and exciting to finish. (Even if the results weren`t always how I had envisaged them!!!)

I have always enjoyed the planning and execution stages more then the finished article.

Since moving to Sweden however I seemed to have lost all inspiration. I haven´t really picked up a knitting needle or sewn a good seam with any enthusiasm.

Suddenly it is all coming back to me--the reason? My niece is expecting a baby, and looking at all the exciting baby things to sew, or knit, all the soft toys to make, has given me back my creative spirit. The problem now is---where to start?

Have made the baby quilt, and sent. The toys pose a special problem, because i hanker after a real old-fashioned rag-doll, but what if the new baby is a boy? Will he be forever traumatised because his twitty old auntie wanted, no--needed to make a rag-doll? If a girl will she be damaged in some way because I made her a tough "super hero" or a football mascot doll??

So now I need ideas on unisex dolls. Should I make a clown, a scarecrow or something else? If I wait until April when Newbie arrives I may have run out of steam. If I make one of each who gets the other one? What a dilemma?? Ha Ha.

Any ideas gratefully received, meanwhile I salute Jean Greenhowe for her never ending source of inspiration, and really easy-to-make dolls and toys. Lynne.

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